Mr.F.Y. (Smart Factory Engineer)

"I feel rewarded when the equipment that I created in the Engineering Department is used in a factory, when the workers are happy, and when the productivity of the factory rises rapidly. "

Mr.F.Y. (Smart Factory Engineer)

Work Place : Osaka Head-Office

What motivated you to work for Parfun?

It started with a phone call from the technical manager. I always valued a "once-in-a-lifetime chance," and when I talked to the current president, Mr. Fujii, I asked him about his "future business plan and vision", and I thought that I would be able to help him in some way. So I decided to join the company.

What is your job responsibility and mission at Parfun?

・Improve productivity and promote quality assurance by gradually automating or semi-automating each process in the factory, including smart factories
・Develop equipment that contributes to the SDGs, research equipment that can be used, and collaborate with external research institutes
・The main task is providing guidance and support for Thai technical staff.
And my goal is
・While considering the return on investment, in the other hand, the current smart factory will be a factory that can further improve productivity and quality assurance by utilizing the latest technologies such as IOT and AI.
(For example, make a production line that can ensure the same productivity, vertical start-up, and ensure quality even when a new operator replacess an experienced operator)
・Developing materials that meet consumer needs and creating high-performance materials that are significantly different from other companies.

Have you had a rewarding experience working for Parfun that you'd like to share?

I feel rewarded when the equipment that I created in the Engineering Department is used in a factory, when the workers are happy, and when the productivity of the factory rises rapidly.
Furthermore, by persistently getting involved with Thai trainees, I can see the happy faces of trainees when they are able to handle measuring instruments, learn machining, and understand basic drawings. It's a great pleasure for me too.

What is the attractive point to work for Parfun? And please share your personal goal at Parfun.

There is an environment of freedom in which we can start working on a theme that we come up on our own and as long as they get approved by the president.
I think one of Parfun's great attractions is the immediate decision-making environment. Of course, we must do our best to achieve success.
My goal is to establish technologies one by one so that Parfun always has an advantage to its competitors in terms of material development, cost competitiveness, and quality (a technology-oriented company).