Mr.S.M. (Corporate Planning)

"I'm very happy to work with professional people in all field such as Sales, Design, Production control, Sewing and Textile making and learn new thing from them. "

Mr.S.M. (Corporate Planning)

Work Place : Osaka Head-Office

What motivated you to work for Parfun?

After I graduated bachelor's degree from Tokai University, I decided to go back and work in Thailand. That time I have many offers from many companies in Thailand including Parfun Textile. Parfun Textile’s location is not far from my home, not far from Bangkok and have career path to grow up in future, that is why I decided to work for Parfun Group.

What is your job responsibility and mission at Parfun?

My first position in Parfun is Japanese Interpreter responsible for interpreting in meeting and apparel production line. In 3rd years, I started learning Master of Business Administration (MBA) and assigned to the Section chief of Solution Section responsible for promoting productivity of workflow. In 2019, I became section manager of strategy office responsible for thinking and suggesting company strategy and running new business. In 2022, I moved from Parfun Textile Company to work at Parfun Head Office in Japan and my current job is Corporate Planning of Parfun Group. This position is responsible in thinking and considering with management team about company strategy, policy and doing Company PR. The goal of this job is planning and doing strategy to transform Parfun to be a global company and changing Parfun’s work style to be easy and efficiency using digital technology.

Have you had a rewarding experience working for Parfun that you'd like to share?

Working at Parfun, I have a chance to work close to Japanese Manager and Management team. I learned much knowledge, point of view and decisioning in many ways. Such as when I interpret in meeting of Japanese manager and Thai staff I can learn the “Management thinking” in same time that I’m doing the main job. In other hand, I have a chance to attend the director meeting and make a meeting record, I can learn many points of view when management team considering and making the decision about some project. I think it is really good learning that I can not learn from university or seminar class.

What is the attractive point to work for Parfun? And please share your personal goal at Parfun.

I believe in the word “Learning is endless” so my life’s goal is to learn new thing and be better every day. Since Parfun serves the product to Worldclass apparel brand, we have many functions in the company such as Sales, Designer, Production control, Sewing and Textile manufacturing. I am very happy to work with professional people in any fields and learn new things from them.
Other attraction of Parfun is unlike other traditional Japanese company that you have to stay until late or leave after your boss, but in Parfun when working hours are over, and if you don’t have any urgent task, you can leave office immediately, so it has good Work-Life balance atmosphere for employees.
My goal is transforming Parfun to be a good company where employee can work comfortably, efficiency, and able to respond quickly to changes. In the future, I wish Parfun will become the leader in apparel as one stop solution company, create new technology in apparel field, and the same time become the best Work-Life balance company that also supports working from everywhere workstyle and staff be proud to work for Parfun group.