Ms.J.A. (International Sales Department MGR)
"I have a chance to work with many well-known brand name customers and learn from these professionals that help me to improve my skills a lot."
Ms.J.A. (International Sales Department MGR)
Work Place : Parfun Textile (Thailand)

What motivated you to work for Parfun?
As I graduated from aboard (USA), I searched for a job to use my English skill. Personally, I think Parfun is a global company that's open for all talented workers to join. In this company, I work with people who came from different countries such as Japan, India and Sri Lanka that I can learn from them not only for working knowledge but also for their culture.
What is your job responsibility and mission at Parfun?
My position in Parfun company is the Assistant Sales Manager International Business Division that responsible for customer of Thailand domestic, US and European markets. Mission of us to be the one of the world’s leading integrated textile companies by upholding the high quality to produce the best product. We conduct our business in a socially responsible and benefit to community where we live.
Have you had a rewarding experience working for Parfun that you'd like to share?
Frankly speaking, good compensation and benefits are the common reward at Parfun company. By the way, for me the most valuable reward while I work here is advancement opportunity. I have a chance to work with many well-known brand name customers and learn from these professional people that help me to improve my knowledge skill a lot. Spending time with positive colleagues is also another reward to work at Parfun. Whether we work on difficult situations, a positive attitude of co-worker can help us less stress.
What is the attractive point to work for Parfun? And please share your personal goal at Parfun.
As my working area handling for international markets, I often have a chance to travel aboard for business trip. This Job allows me to work remotely also provide the chance to travel. Another attractive point is company providing opportunity for young worker to be promoted based on how qualified they are to perform the job, not because of a working year. My personal goal in Parfun I would like to increase professional knowledge and joining a business association to meet new people in the same field and expand company working.